On China: The Buck Stops with African Leadership
A review of the article titled China and Africa: economic growth and a non-transformative political elite by Obert Hodzi Hodzi (2018) article titled “China and Africa: economic growth and a non-transformative political elite” puts the blame for Africa’s development challenges or failure to do so at the doorsteps of the corrupt political elite. The article aims at challenging perceptions that China is actually developing the African continent, that the coming of the Chinese has enhanced sovereignty in the developing world and finally indirectly tackles what it would take to bring about progress in this post-colonial era. Before delving into state capture by the elite which provides a basis for what the article argues about, Hodzi bemoans what he refers to as the portrayal of Africa as a passive recipient of development models prescribed to her by the so called benevolent foreign powers. Africa is therefore looked at as a burden for others to fix and all is required is for her to fit ...