
Showing posts from July, 2020

Covid-19, A ‘powerless’ Church and A Powerful God

We all remember that period when corvid 19 was ravaging Italy and Spain, recording high death rates and overwhelming numbers of infections. During that time, I listened to a reporter on Aljazeera outlining the progress that was being made on developing a vaccine and eventually a cure. His parting shot was “ our hope is in science ”. I have no problem with science because I believe all knowledge is a blessing from God and that statement reflected the hopelessness of the situation but for those of us who believe in a superior hope, that was a hard one to swallow. I also listened to some prominent preachers push the idea that this virus could actually be from God to remind us to rethink our ways. The fact that there was no certainty to that revelation is excusable but the thought of God unleashing death with a virus whatever the justification is really frightening. That is not the kind of God I have come to know but people believe what they want to believe yet one would ask, “Are we that ...