Are Women Peaceful?
A methodological review of the paper titled ‘Are Women Peaceful? Reflections on the Role of Women in Peace-Building.’ by Hilary Charlesworth. According to Charlesworth, the paper examines the way that women’s relationship to peace is constructed in international institutions and international law. It identifies a set of claims about women and peace that are typically made and considers women’s experience in the conflicts in Bougainville, East Timor and the Solomon Islands. In reviewing this paper methodologically, I will endeavor to look at answering three questions which as stated by Punch(2009) include the ontological question of what reality is like, the epistemological question of what relationship is between that researcher and that reality, and finally the methodological question of what methods can be used or were used in studying the reality. Ontological questions are prior because they deal with the very nature of ‘being’; literally, an ontology is a theory of ‘being’...